Defend Your Rights with Help from a Lawyer Near Favoretta, FL

Have you been accused of a crime? Facing the criminal justice system can be terrifying, as a conviction can result in jail time, large fines, and lifelong complications. Partner with a criminal defense attorney to defend your rights. At The Law Office of Jane Park, P.A., we can represent clients throughout Favoretta, FL. A lawyer from our firm can assist with all sorts of criminal cases, whether you are accused of a drug crime, sexual assault, or another charge. Get reliable defense and learn more today.

Assisting with Family Law Matters

Family law matters are often complex and can be difficult to navigate. Partner with a lawyer to get assistance with child custody, divorce, and other concerns. Work with a family law attorney from our firm to get advice on how to proceed with your case.

Experienced Lawyer Ready To Help

Professional Service

Certified Lawyer

Assured Results

Create a Will with Help from an Attorney

No one likes to think about their death, but preparing for that eventuality is important. A will lawyer can help you create a document that will dictate where your assets should go after your passing. At The Law Office of Jane Park, P.A., we’re committed to helping with your needs. Call now if you’re near Favoretta, FL, to request a free consultation.


Get in touch:

The Law Office of Jane Park, P.A., is experienced with a variety type of criminal defense and family law issues. If you want advice or are seeking legal support, please consider getting in contact. We’d love to help you with your case.

Direct line number:

If you’re looking for quick service, then consider giving us a call. We would be available to speak to your directly. We hope to be able to discuss your case and schedule an appointment.
The information contained on this website is presented for informational and marketing purposes only and is not to be understood as legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice respecting your individual needs. The Law Office of Jane Park, P.A. looks forward to speaking with you about your particular needs. Please note, however, that the mere act of contacting our firm does not create an attorney-client relationship. As a result, you should never send any confidential information to our office until a Representation Agreement has been signed by both you and The Law Office of Jane Park, P.A.

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